Sunday, January 20, 2013

She's a Crafty One

I love anything and everything craftypaint, glitter, stickers, fabric,  hot glue guns, Michaels, AC Moore, and the list goes on and on.  Pinterest is by far the motherload of DIY ideas.  I could spend hours just finding future projects that I would love to try.  Here are a few of my favorites.  Click on the name to see how to make these awesome crafts.


Here is my take on the DIY Jewelry Holder.  I made the top one and my sister made the bottom one.  It was fun and easy to make. 

*  Wallpaper remnant
*  All-purpose glue
*  Drill
*  Screw hooks
  1. Remove the glass from the shadow box. Cut a wallpaper remnant to fit the back of the box, and adhere with glue.
  2. Create a layout of hooks. Drill holes for screw hooks in the backing. Insert hooks.
  3. Hang shadow box on wall using attached hardware.
Now back to school

I created a fun Place Value Game for my students to practice and reinforce this skill. Students will match up the standard, expanded, and word form for numbers up to the hundreds place. The theme is very cute and my students LOVE playing this game.
I sell this item for $2.00 on my TpT store but because I’m so thankful that you’re following my blog, you can have it here for free.

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  1. This is a very practical, fun and visually delicious freebie. Thank you so much for your generosity. I will use it to do some much needed revision with my homeschooler. Cheers!

    1. I am glad you enjoyed the place value freebie. My students really enjoyed it!

  2. I'd love to see a post just about the dollar store bins getting covered by fabric. I buy them all the time but don't have a sewing bone in my body. I'm not necessarily a crafty one, but love crafty ideas!

    Leslie - Teach


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