Saturday, October 19, 2013

Classroom Happenings

It's been a long time since I've written an actual post.  Teaching in a new school district and a new grade has been very overwhelming.  I love my new school and class, but it is like starting over as a first year teacher.  Here are some picture updates from my class.

I am so lucky to have a class set of laptops in my classroom.  I love using the laptops as a center for my reading and math rotations.  I recently discovered LiveBinders and have been obsessed with it since.  Its a great way to put all of your technology resources and websites for your students in one place. 
They’re basically virtual three ring binders where you can organize all of your websites, documents, movies, and images into tabs and subtabs and then share your “stuff” on the web. Click on the binders below to see some of my examples:

Here are some other ways to use LiveBinder in your classroom:
  • Class Resources– Use LiveBinder to share your resources.
  • Create a Presentation– Use LiveBinders to present your information.  Don’t make handouts, share the link to your binder and embed it in your blog.
  • Have your students collaborate on a Binder as a final product of a unit
  • Use a LiveBinder to demonstrate the writing process – create a tab for each draft/activity
But the best place to find ideas on how to use LiveBinders is to browse the featured binders on their website.

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1 comment:

  1. How did you make your homeworkopoly? I love that idea! Do you have a tpt post on it!!??


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