Sunday, August 4, 2013

Math Freebie and Currently August

Adding and Subtracting Money using a Menu

This activity is one of my best sellers and also a student FAVORITE!  I created a menu that I glued on to construction paper and laminated. I used them every year. The document is 9 pages and includes the menu and worksheets for adding and subtracting money. Students pretend they are a waiter or waitress and take orders from each other in order to add and subtract money.
Click here for this freebie.  Check out Classroom Freebies for other great FREE resources!
Classroom Freebies Manic Monday

August Already??

Wow, how is it already August?  I am a few days late with linking up with Currently, but I've been super busy.  As I mentioned before, I am switching counties and starting at a new school teaching 4th grade.  I am very excited about the change, but anxious as well.  I also just moved this week.  So regardless to say, I've been extremely busy. 

Don't forget to link up with Farley's Currently for August.
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  1. Thank you for the amazing math project! I know my students will really enjoy working on it!

  2. Ha! I LOVE your B2S Must Haves-- I'm so with you- I'm way obsessed with all things chevron. :)
    Learning to the Core

    1. I hope I don't have too much chevron in my room.

  3. Chevron is on my B2S must have list too!!! =)

    Peaches and Palmetto Trees

  4. I just started following your blog. I absolutely love anything and everything chevron. I went to get a pedicure and eyebrow wax last month and the lady at the salon said, "wow, you're all about chevron, aren't you?" I had a chevron purse and a chevron wallet. Hah ... I just bought chevron fabric for my bulletin boards at Jo-Ann's. I don't think you can have too much chevron. =]

    The Adventures of a New Third Grade Teacher

  5. What an amazing freebie!!! Thank you SO MUCH for sharing this!!!!!



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